Welcome to Days on the Water!
Welcome to Days on the Water Fly Rod Instruction. Days on the Water started out of a free day-long “beginning fly fishing” seminar we taught on behalf of the Penn’s Woods West Chapter of Trout Unlimited (pwwtu.org). We always did the “fly fishing 101” seminar as an outreach program to people in and around Pittsburgh who wanted to learn how to fly fish.
The free school sort of took on a life of its own.
The very first year we were associated with the free school attendance was in the teens. The second year we had 33 students. By year five – 2017 – we had added an extra day to accommodate interest. There were 70+ students during a two-day seminar.
We also found out that we couldn’t cover the material in the detail we wanted to.
In 2018, we were approved to teach fly fishing courses class through the Community College of Allegheny County’s (www.ccac.edu) Community Education classes. These courses are much more in depth than what we were able to present in a single-day session at the free school.
We call ourselves Days on the Water. Read on to to find out why. Or, just register for one of our classes!
What’s in our name?
Days on the Water is a tribute to Mike Sajna, a former outdoor writer for the Post-Gazette. He was a Western Pennsylvania guy, an avid fly fisherman, hunter, outdoors-man and a close friend of our instructor Scott Loughner. Our name is a nod to his 1999 book, Days on the Water: The Angling Tradition in Pennsylvania. Mr. Sajna passed away in 2000 due to leukemia.
Read more about Mr. Sajna and his works by clicking here.